#%$@&@$%#& dependencies <snarl, mutter ...>

Beartooth yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 23:07:34 -0400 (EDT)

	Why do I keep getting this nonsense whenever I try to
download and install anything worth using? Why isn't it in there?
YDL is supposed to thrive on RPMs!

[root@localhost btth]# rpm -Uvh
error: failed dependencies:
        ld-linux.so.2 is needed by opera-6.03-20020813.3
        libqt.so.2 is needed by opera-6.03-20020813.3
[root@localhost btth]#

	That never to be sufficiently accursed first one is the
worst of the lot: I haven't been able to get it, either -- and
Opera (from clear back in the middle of August!) is not alone in
requiring it. <mumble, curse, gnash ...>

Beartooth the Stubborn <karhunhammas (at) lserv.com>
double retiree, linux hatchling RH 7.2, YDL 2.2, OSX 10.1.5
Pine 4.43, Pan 0.11.2; Privoxy 3.0.0, Opera 6.03, Galeon 1.2.5
std dsclmr : Keep in mind that I have no idea what I am talking about.