YDL Install Question

Chuck Coleman yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 18:13:24 -0700

on 10/16/02 5:44 PM, Brian Alston at balston@nosaltnetwork.com wrote:

> So, am I to understand that I can install the 10MB Boot Loader, the
> 128MB Swap, and Root partitions on any of the "/dev/hda9, 10, or 11"
> partitions without destroying the data that is already on  those disks?
> Is there any way to determine which one of the "/dev/hda9, 10, or 11"
> partitions is my OS X, OS 9, or Junk partitions?

You are partitioning with HSF. You need a partition that is "unallocated".
Linux won't read HSF. Apple had to go through some hoops to get OSX to
install on HSF+.

Once you have an unallocated partition you will be able to "sub" partition
it with the correct size partition for installing Linux.
