YDL Install Question

Brian Alston yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 20:44:25 -0400


	You're right. I clicked "Custom" install and up came a different 

/dev/hda2		Macintosh		none		27KB
/dev/hda3		Macintosh		none		37KB
/dev/hda4		Macintosh		none		27KB
/dev/hda5		Macintosh		none		27KB
/dev/hda6		Macintosh		none		100KB
/dev/hda7		Macintosh		none		256KB
/dev/hda8		Patch Partition		none		256KB
/dev/hda9		untitled			hfs			6359MB
/dev/hda10	untitled 2			hfs			6359MB
/dev/hda11	untitled 3			hfs			6359MB
unused		free				none		11KB

So, am I to understand that I can install the 10MB Boot Loader, the 
128MB Swap, and Root partitions on any of the "/dev/hda9, 10, or 11" 
partitions without destroying the data that is already on  those disks? 
Is there any way to determine which one of the "/dev/hda9, 10, or 11" 
partitions is my OS X, OS 9, or Junk partitions?

Thanks for your help
