Package names for apt-get?

James Keeline
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 11:43:08 -0800 (PST)

YellowDog is derived from Red Hat so it uses Red Hat Package Manager
files (RPMs).  You can locate desired RPMs at
but make sure that you get ones for PowerPC not the Intel series of
processors (i386, i586, etc) or Alpha or Sparc.  You can search both
for package names as well as elements inside the packages on this 

As `man rpm` will tell you, there are many ways to use the rpm command
to install software, remove it, update it, or determine what is 
installed.  If a package has been installed and you want to find out
which RPM file it came from, the command is:

     rpm -qf /bin/ls

Note that I have used the full path to the file in question rather
than just ls.

If you want to get a list of all of the RPMs intsalled, you can:

     rpm -qa

Since this is a long list, you may want to sort it, filter it, or
search for particular lines.  For example, if you wanted to look
for packages whose names included php you could do:

     rpm -qa | grep php

As a Debian user, I would expect that the last part is not new to
you but others may benefit from this post as well so I included
it for completeness.

In your example, it is better to look for xview-clients and put
ppc in the architecture field of the form on after
you do an initial search since the main page has a single form
field.  I found two entries.  I don't know if they will work on
YDL.  You can always try.  To install it with rpm, assuming you
don't have an older version installed now, you can use:


to download the file

     rpm -ivh xview-clients*.rpm

to install it in verbose mode and show hash marks to indicate the
progress of the install.  If you needed to upgrade a file, you can

     rpm -Uvh xview-clients*.rpm

but this doesn't always work.  Sometimes you have to remove the
old package first:

     rpm -e xview-clients

but there may be dependencies so you can use the following to force
the removal to ignore dependencies:

     rpm -e --nodeps xview-clients

Some RPM packages are available as source RPMS (.src.rpm or .srpm)
and in those cases you need to use a different approach to install
the software:

     rpm --rebuild xview-clients*.src.rpm

This will extract the source code and compile and install it.  If
a precompiled RPM for your processor is not available, this is
sometimes needed.  I haven't had occasion to use it and had to
look it up, however.

This site has good tutorials on Linux ( and
specifically on RPMS:

James D. Keeline

> From: "Martin P Habets [mhabets]" <>
> To:
> Subject: Package names for apt-get?
> How do I find out the package names that contain a certain
> executable?
> For Debian I got to
> and it tells me all I need to know to run apt-get.
> Specifically, I'm looking for the PPC version of 'cmdtool' which
> is part of xview-clients in Debian.
> I'm all new to rpm, but if you have a place I can download or
> search for the rpm package that would be fine too.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> 	Martin Habets

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