ppp/local network config

lowell yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed, 04 Sep 2002 18:20:32 -0500

Using your favorite text editor as super-user, edit /etc/hosts to give 
an arbitrary private ip address (198.162.x.x or 10.0.0.x)  and a name to 
both machines ON both machines (so the two files read the same, in other 
words)(do NOT remove or edit the line that's there now that begins w/ Certain applications depend on its being there to operate 
properly.) So you end up eith something that looks like this:    localhost    localhost.localdomain      mymachine         myothermachine

Try pinging after a few minutes and see if she goes. If not check out 
/etc/hosts.conf; it should read

Good luck, HTH
Russell Brunet wrote:

>Ok, now on to my second question which may be related. I want to be able to send files back and forth between my RedHat box and my YellowDog box. How do I set up a standalone self-contained network using a crossover cable between the two computers?
>Thank in advance for any help you can provide,