can i get xfce into the xboot dialog?

Jonathan Segel
Mon, 9 Sep 2002 11:17:12 -0700

i finally managed to install xfce (that took awhile) - it's way 
faster than kde or gnome - but to get there i have to choose the 
failsafe mode and then xfce_setup, startx....
is there a method to put a script of starting xfce into the boot 
dialog box on login?

another stupid question: i'm running 2.3 dayton
in the BOOTX control panel/system boot from MAC OS9.1, my kernel 
choices appear to be linux_2.2 or LINUX_2.2
what's the deal with that?
Jonathan Segel  -- MAGNETIC -- PO Box 460816 S.F. CA. 94146-0816
               4014 Brookdale Ave. Oakland, CA 94619 <----->
    tel (510) 534 7825  cell (510) 484 7415  fax (425) 955 4495