local network using ethernet and modem

Chuck Coleman yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 16:20:41 -0700

on 9/13/02 3:54 PM, yvon at yvon.thoraval@free.fr wrote:

> i'm sure now that my ethernet chip is recognised by ydl because i see on
> the gkrellm slit, under eth0, som packets, and also because the result
> of ifcong shoes the hardware address of eth0 :
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:05:02:EC:D8:47
> -------------------------------^^^^^--^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> this is the address no ? Their is no way, i've found, to find the same
> address at the macos 9.1 side...

This is the MAC address. You can see the MAC address from System Profiler on
the Mac OS 9 side.

Now that the card can be seen by the system you need to have the correct
driver to get to the LAN side. I had a card that could be seen by the OS
(both Linux and OS 9) but couldn't get out on the Linux side. OS 9 did fine
and I could get out to the WAN just fine.

So the driver on the OS 9 side worked but the driver on the Linux side

If you can get a MAC address then play with the various drivers and see if
you can get it to work. The chip set will give you a clue on what drivers to
start playing with.
