local network using ethernet and modem

Chuck yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 17:24:35 -0700

on 9/13/02 4:51 PM, Russell T. Brunet at brunet@mac.com wrote:

> Chuck,
> I think you may be confused, I was the one with the missing MAC address. I
> don't think Yvon ever said he had this problem. My G4 is fine, it is my
> PII-266 that is missing a MAC address. I'll check out the driver when I get
> home, but I know that the computer sees the card. It just doesn't give me a
> MAC address.
> Thanks for your help,
> Russell

I was just trying to cover two similar topics with one general post. I am
actually quite lazy and prefer to type as little as possible...[8-}

So then why am I running Linux?????

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