Unix/Linux documentation and the rite of passage

yvon yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 19:09:04 +0200

On Sat, 14 Sep 2002 10:38:37 -0600
Jamie LaRue <jlarue@jlarue.com> wrote:

> As to those problems. There are some good web descriptions for getting
> a patch to the gpilot-link to let you talk to your M505 through a USB
> port. My guru was unsuccessful, but will contact the guy who wrote the
> patch to see what's up -- and possibly, my USB cable is bad. 

I had alos a bad experience about (g-k)pilot then i've used jpilot which
works from install without changing any conf file. 

I agree very much about your feeling upon ydl, it looks like you have to
rebuild everything by yourself... better to use gentoo in that case...
Yvon Thoraval