VDQ: interacting with a UPS??

Beartooth yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 17 Sep 2002 16:01:37 -0400 (EDT)

	No doubt some of the rest of you also subscribe to
yellowdog-general, if only for the sake of what you can pick up, as
I do. They'll've noticed a discussion -- way over my head -- of
interacting with a UPS.

	I've got an APC UPS sitting here right next to my box,
which is of course plugged into it. But interact with it?? Can
somebody tell me in simple enough terms for mu uninstructed old
mind what that means, and why they want to?
Beartooth the Stubborn <karhunhammas (at) lserv.com>
Linux hatchling w/ RH, YDL, & OSX; Pine 4.43; Pan 0.11.2;
Privoxy 3.0.0, Opera 6.03, Galeon 1.2.5, Mozilla 1.0
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