local network using ethernet and modem

Russell Brunet yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 13:04:26 -0700

On 9/13/02 10:13 AM, "yvon" <yvon.thoraval@free.fr> wrote:

> On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 08:54:15 -0700
> "Russell T. Brunet" <brunet@mac.com> wrote:
>> I am trying to do the exact same thing, and I'm having the exact same
>> problem! The only difference, is that my pc (running RedHat) network
>> card reports a MAC address of 00:00:00:00:00:00. Any ideas? Yvon, if
>> you figure it out, let me know your exact settings. I'll do the same.
> for sure ! I'd very happy to help someone... incredible you know i've
> read a number of pages, carrefully follow those advices, found no error
> except pratically this didn't work !


Ok, I figured it out. It was as simple as creating some config files as

(my local network is leisure-net ip:

First on the Pentium:
/etc/hosts:       localhost.localdomain    Pentium     mac


loopback-net    127


00:a0:c9:5d:9b:85       pentium
00:0a:27:e3:c0:28       mac

Now for the mac:
/etc/hosts:       localhost.localdomain     mac    Pentium


loopback-net    127


00:0a:27:e3:c0:28       mac
00:a0:c9:5d:9b:85       pentium


In KDE, go to the Kmenu > System>Network Configuration

Make sure you have a device listed as eth0 if not, create one; if yes, click

Click the radio button for Statically set IP addresses and enter your
desired address (192.168.0.*), enter a subnet mask of, and
enter the IP address of one of your machines as the default gateway (I used
the pentium's address

Now, click the tab at the top labeled Hardware Device

Make sure the correct ethernet card is selected, click the butten next to
device aliases and choose 1 in the right hand box. Now, click the box next
to bind to MAC address and click probe. You should get an MAC address in the
format of 00:00:00:00:00:00 (not with all zeros of course).

In a command line editor such as vi, create the files listed above
(/etc/hosts, /etc/networks, /etc/ethers)

Now type ifconfig eth0 up.

In the Network Configuration panel, the status of the device eth0 should be
active if not, click activate.

Now when you type ifconfig in the command line you should see an entry for
eth0, eth0:1 and lo.

So far, I have to activate the interface every time I restart. I'm working
on that though.

This is what I did, and it worked for me try it and see if it works for you
