local network using ethernet and modem

yvon yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 23:28:07 +0200

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 13:04:26 -0700
Russell Brunet <brunet@mac.com> wrote:

... a lot of interesting things ...

i've found the error i've made, it wasn't on the IP-MASQ linux side !!!

it was at the tcpip control panel on the macos side, i've checked the
802.3 protocol, which isn't used here, unchecking it, quite everything
works... except port 10 000 (used by webmin) and telnet.

for the time being i didn't found the solution for un-blocking port 10
000 and for launching telnetd nor sshd...

tanxs for your reply, but your solution couldn't work for me because the
kde network configurator doesn't show up my ethernet so called "card",
because it's on the motherboard not on pci bus...

anyway my ip-masq was working from the starting point, this is the way
i've tested it (thru 802.3 protocol) which wasn't adequate...

Yvon Thoraval