YDL 2.3/iBook/ethnet - DSL

Brian yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 22:48:16 -0700

Howdy All,

Well, I happily received my new 600 MHz, 12" iBook from Terra, all preconfig'd
with YDL and ready to go ... and promptly managed to hose the ethernet.

My KDE seemed a bit shaky (separate story), so I figured an update might help.
I followed the YDL network config without any luck, and so went into the KDE
Network Config to add an xDSL connection.  Not only did that not work for me,
but I managed to mess up the basic ethernet entry as well, to the point that it
won't activate... (and hangs up on boot, obviously).

If anyone could point me on in the right directions on two items, I would be
greatly appreciative:

1) Resetting my ethernet card to a "standard" vanilla config
2) Any hints on getting my Earthlink DSL (PPoE) moving

I've scanned some Red Hat books, as well as the Help files and on-line YDL
materials.  The ethernet connection does work when I boot into OS X (Jag), so I
know it's not a dead card or hardware failure.

Any assistance in helping me figure this out would be appreciated.

Thanks much!

~ Brian