How do you shut KDE up??

Pat Plummer
Sat, 28 Sep 2002 15:13:21 -0600


Go to the control panel>sound>System Notifications to change the sounds 
or turn the various event sounds on/off.

control panel>sound>System Bell to turn notifications to bell and back

main KDE menu>Multimedia>KMix to adjust sound level.



On Saturday, Sep 28, 2002, at 12:01 US/Mountain, Beartooth wrote:

> Every time it boots up it makes a ghastly racket -- usually
> with my wife trying to sleep in the next room -- which I suppose it
> mistakes for music. I wouldn't mind some sound, if I get to choose
> the sound, but I'd far rather have silence than what it inflicts on
> me. Ditto for shutdown, which sounds like breaking glassware.
> 	This is linux, so there has to be a control for it --
> somewhere. Has anybody found it?
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