OT? This can't be right!

Eric Gold yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 15:21:24 +0000

 I have read that OS X out-of-the-box does not support multi-session rw. 
It does let you erase the CD completely, and then write a new session. 
Iv'e seen shareware that covers this problem - Search in 
www.macintouch.com for it.


Beartooth wrote:

>	I don't know which YDL list this belongs on; my apologies
>to the other one!
>	Since I've been having much trouble trying to burn a CD
>with either YDL or RH, I finally tried OSX. It ftp'd a wad of old
>emails from my ISP, moved them into a file for a CD, and burned the
>CD, all fine. And I could read it -- correction: see that it was
>there, not only as a different user on OSX, but also on YDL and RH.
>So last night I tried to add more wads. (It's a CD-RW.)
>	I got a canned error message saying the file couldn't be
>added to the CD because the CD couldn't be altered. Is this a bug
>in OSX, or did I goof somehow? Iirc, it gave me a choice, for the
>blank CD, only between one data format and two others (audio, I