How to get YUM working?

dr john gardiner
Fri, 8 Aug 2003 13:56:36 +0100

My install of YDL 3.0 on Powerbook G3 seems not to include any 
compiler. When I tried and run ./configure on things it runs a check 
and comes back saying "no" top a list of possible compilers, including 
GCC. Thus, I cannot install anything.

Rather than download and install all the bits manually (which bits?), I 
understand that 'yum..' is supposed to find and install any YDL 
packages or updates. However, when I do this:

- log in as root
- type 'yum list' in terminal window
- says ' gathering package info from servers....Getting headers from: 
Yellow Dog linux 3.0 base'
- the it just sits there for about 4 minutes before coming back with a 
timeout error.

What is wrong? I am connected a LAN via ethernet. Other web activity 
and downloads etc work fine via Mozilla.

