install modules

Fri, 29 Aug 2003 21:59:28 -0300

on 29/8/03 21:19, Longman, Bill at wrote:

>> I have it's installed,what may I to do now?
>>> shows that it's installed. If it is not installed you will
>> ALWAYS have to
>>> use:
>>> $ su
>>> Password: <root password goes here>
>>> # insmod printer
> You have too many problems right now. Just become superuser with:
> $ su
> Password: <root password>
> # 
> Now that you are root, we can solve the module problem.
> # insmod printer
> Have you ever used "vi"? If you have never used "vi", you need to learn the
> basic vi commands. Read the man page for vi:
> $ man vi
> and learn these keys:
> Up    = k
> Down  = j
> Left  = h
> Right = l
> Esc = Move mode
> i  = insert
> ce = change to end of word
> x  = delete character
> :x = write and exit
> :q = quit
> :q! = QUIT! Really!! Don't save anything.
> Once you learn these, then you can try to add yourself to the sudoers file.
> # visudo
> will get you into the sudoers file. Read the man page on visudo.
> But I think you are trying to solve your printer problem right
> maybe next week we can try to help you with printing.
> PS - You still have no reply address showing up on the mailing list. It's
> strange.

thanks bill for all,

I need to study a lot,but I got same improve.