(no subject)

kaos yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
12 Feb 2003 19:12:23 -0600

On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 10:14, Rick Hoen wrote:
> I have got a iMac G4, with linux on it, but I can't open eject cd's, 
> because the ejectbutton on the keyboard doen't work in linux and eject 
> cdrom doesn't work either. Wat should I do?

Using the command 'eject' by itself should work just fine to open the
CDROM tray. Also, if you're lazy like me and don't feel like physically
touching the CDROM tray to close it, you can use the same 'eject'
command with the '-t' option to close the tray.

Also, as a sidenote, the 'eject' command handles unmounting the inserted
CD. Issuing the 'eject' command after mounting an inserted CD
effectively unmounts the CD and ejects the tray! Amazing isn't it? ;]

--[kaos] - kaos@staticusers.net  |
--save the planet, kill yourself |