(no subject)

Mark Nieuwenhuizen yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 21 Feb 2003 16:55:48 +0100

After some fiddling with the arguments and the run level (set on 3) I 
finaly got into the system. But still no graphics but dull command 
lines. I'm pretty sure I selected a GUI in the installation.

Somewhere else on this list i picked up the command startx but that 
ended up in "X connection to :0.0 broken (eplicit kill or server 

Really makes me feel going back to the pre Mac Plus days were it took 
a day to install a printer on my DOS machine ;-)


>--On Friday, February 21, 2003 3:14 pm +0100 Mark Nieuwenhuizen 
><mark@marknieuwenhuizen.nl> wrote:
>>YDL boots up from disk but doesn't go into a GUI of anykind.
>If you've not selected a GUI login this is normal.  If you did 
>select GUI login during the install, then you have a video problem.
>>Then my screen starts flashing with the inital login question, goes on
>>black for a couple of seconds, flashes teh login for half a second etc
>>etc. So no time to enter any login.
>Sounds like a video problem.  Try passing different video arguments 
>at the box where you chose to boot MacOs or Linux.
>yellowdog-newbie mailing list