So New I have an Umbillical Cord

Markus Deistler
22 Feb 2003 19:06:30 +0000


On Sat, 2003-02-22 at 13.48 Nick wrote:

> Markus: This xpmac thing sounds promising, is this a good place to get 
> it, suitable documentation etc:

That's the compressed binary, but I recommend to keep as much software
as possible under rpm's (Redhat Packet Manager's) control and to install
Xpmac from a rpm-package .... if necessary !! .... with a 

rpm -ihv Xpmac-XFree86-3.3.6-rev10-1a.ppc.rpm

There is a Xpmac version "3.3.6-11" from YDL's ftpsite (look for
everything in the old champion-server 1.2 release), which will also do.

But that is just the last resort, when it has become sure that your
video hardware won't work well with XF4. You'll have tweak a few more
things (mac keycodes vs. linuxkeycodes, keymaps, symlink to
/dev/input/mice etc.) before you can use Xpmac, so I think it's a good
idea to see whether you get XFree86 running, first.

> Everyone: an anyone tell me why on the 2.2 kernel I get a perfectly 
> rendered xga penguin watching my screen startup, but on the other 
> kernel it looks like the penguin is road kill? (incredibly low colour 
> depth and distorted).

This *might* indicate that your settings for your console video driver
(the "command line interface" needs a kind of videodriver of its own,
too) aren't quite correct, too (and that the old kernel defaults to the
right thing, while the new one has to be instructed). But I can't tell
you more without knowing the video hardware of your PPC 9600.

Best Regards, Markus