YDL 3 on iMac DV SE

Marc Stergionis yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 3 Jul 2003 09:00:21 -0600

At about 10:46 AM +0100 on 7/3/03, samtygier@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
>the no sound in KDE can be solved by using the command "touch /dev/dsp" before
>"startx". there is probably a start up script you could insert this in to,
>but i am not completely sure which one it is.

Running YDL3 on an 8600 with a similar no-sound problem (Sound has 
never worked). Original fix from the list -- turning the sound 
control to low quality (8-bit) and then back up to 16 -- didn't fix 

Running "touch /dev/dsp" and then "startx" still has kde reporting:

"device /dev/dsp can't be opened (No such device)

"The sound server will continue, using the null output device."

Indeed, when I reboot it  gets to :

Saving mixer settings and  stuff about aumix and reports FAILED.

What gives?

Many have Montana envy ... the lucky get to live here!
Marc Stergionis
Communications/Web Specialist
Benefis Healthcare http://www.benefis.org
"Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer."