YDL 3.0 on 7300

yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 15:33:57 EDT

Ok here.  My Mac OS 8.1 is long dead (As in yesterday), and I finally got 
booted into a 7.5 looking 8.1 from a disk tools image.  (Used Disk Copy on my Mac 
SE to make the disk)  Now, I used Drive Setup Lite from the disk tools image 
to reformat my hard disk.  I'm ready for bootx.  Except for the fact that this 
minimal OS won't read from CD.  It's VERY minimal.  It was designed for a 
floppy.  Anybody know how to get CD-ROM access from an OS copied from a 
downloaded disk tools floppy image?