Easy instructions for setting up Airport

ArchAngel_Nix yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 19 Jun 2003 15:27:30 -0600

On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 01:19  AM, Yellow Dog Linux wrote:

> This works for YDL 3.0
> http://yellowdoglinux.com/support/solutions/ydl_2.3/airport24.shtml

The problem here isn't that the card doesn't work, it is that I can't 
configure it. When I boot up it sees my card, loads it, and I can get 
online if there is an open wireless network. My network however is 
closed and it wont let me configure the network settings.

One thing I saw reading that document mentioned above that the 
wireless-tools controls the Wireless Extension. This is where my 
problem lies. I am having a version mismatch. How do I configure 
wireless-tools? Thanks for all of you help.

-Mike Holley-