YDL 3 Install Error

Chris Ruzin yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 01 May 2003 16:24:24 -0500

OK... I figured out what the problem was.  I'm an idiot.  The solution was
to make sure that the other half of my hard drive was actually free space,
NOT UFS, which is what it was.

I had a hunch and booted with the OS X install CD and ran Disk Utility.  It
showed the second half as UFS, not free space.  So I repartitioned the hard
drive and made the second half free space.  Now YDL works fine.  I'm
installing it right now.

So... The moral of the story is to make sure you know what the heck you're
talking about before making other people go scrambling trying to find a
solution for a problem you never had.
