Powerbook 2400 PCMCIA

Greg Torok yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat, 24 May 2003 08:50:53 -0700

I am trying to configure YDL 3.0 for the first time (from CD) on my Powerbook 2400c. Installation went beautifully, but I can't get YDL to recognize the 2400's PCMCIA slots. I tried editing the /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia and /etc/pcmcia/config.opts files using the information posted elsewhere for previous Linux distros on the 2400, but no luck.

In the System Tools - System Info, the PCI info shows that the PCMCIA hardware is there, but in the PCMCIA info it always says something to the effect of PCMCIA not detected.

Also, in the startup sequence, it appears that PCMCIA does load successfully.

Has anyone figured out how to get PCMCIA working on a 2400c?
