Why root?

mascarasnake yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
16 Oct 2003 11:19:41 -0400

Howdy Ho, Ted!
A coupla things you might want to check, here:
On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 16:54, Ted Parks wrote:
> I want to use the disk manager to mount and unmount floppies in my 
> beige G3 running YDL 3.0.1.
> 1) I have created /mnt/floppy in /mnt. But when I use vim to add a line 
> with /dev/fd0 and /mnt/floppy to /etc/fstab, YDL does not remember the 
> line when I boot up again, even after I have saved it. How do I make 
> the change to /etc/fstab stick and be recognized?

	Are you signed on as root when you make the changes to the fstab file?
I'm not really all that familiar with vim, but it may just be ignoring
your changes as you don't have priveleges there.

> 2) In YDL, why do have to be root to issue the mount command? This is 
> different from RedHat. What do I change to be able to mount a floppy 
> from the command line without being root?

	There's no reason that you should have to be root to mount the disk.
Try this as user:
	"whereis mount"
		Should tell you "/bin/mount" along with the man pages
		and any other mount commands you have

	"echo $PATH"
		Should give you the directories you have access to as
		that user. Mine looks sumpin' like this:


If the "/bin" directory is not listed here, you need to add it like so:
	"export PATH=$PATH:/bin"

That will add the "/bin" directory to that user's priveleges

> 3) In general, any help for configuring the beige G3 so I can use disk 
> manager to mount the floppy?
> Thanks,
> Ted Parks

One last thing. Make certain that you have also created a directory
named "floppy" in the "/mnt" directory. What I've kinda figgered out is
that actually creates the directory that will contain the files of your
floppy - sorta like a permanent alias for the actual device. You can
fstab and fstab and try different command combinations and fstab
somemore all day (or weekend) long, but it's not happening without that

Hope that'll help out your sitch

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Bricks Tied To His Head"
                               Bossa Nova
