Why root?

mascarasnake yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
16 Oct 2003 11:36:19 -0400

On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 11:19, mascarasnake wrote:
> Howdy Ho, Ted!
(bunch of stuff cut out)
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Ted Parks
Ignore all this. I got interrupted while posting, and I hate to
proofread. Noticed the whoopsy when it came back thru.  - SORRY 
> One last thing. Make certain that you have also created a directory
> named "floppy" in the "/mnt" directory. What I've kinda figgered out is
> that actually creates the directory that will contain the files of your
> floppy - sorta like a permanent alias for the actual device. You can
> fstab and fstab and try different command combinations and fstab
> somemore all day (or weekend) long, but it's not happening without that
> directory.
> Hope that'll help out your sitch
> "A Computer Without A Microsoft Operating System Is Like A Dog Without
> Bricks Tied To His Head"
>                                Bossa Nova
>                               masarasnake
>                         dontdrill@earthlink.net
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