can't view linux GUI
Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:12:24 +0200 (CEST)


> near the end of the installation, im prompted for a monitor type, and
> resolution. the problem is after selecting a monitor from the list, it
> prompts me to select a screen resolution, but the only resolution
> available is 1440x990 (i think). i tried selecting it, knowing it
> probably wouldn't work because my monitor only supports a resolution of
> up to 1024x768. of course, on starting up of the GUI, the screen goes
> nutty and i can't barely see anything much less DO anything.

I did a google search on:   powerbook XF86Config
You find a lot of people have had the same problem and some
of them have posted a suitable XF86Config file with good
video settings for _their_ powerbooks.

Also you find that many people experience the problem that they
can't get to a text console to fix things [sometimes referred to
as getting stuck at the Black Wall of Death], and a common solution
is to boot from a linux live cdrom...
