YDL Customer Service

j.e.b. yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 04 Sep 2003 18:45:20 -0700

Norberto Quintanar

> From the posts to the lists, let's see how you feel after you've
> installed it.  Can someone second that motion?!  Being from Chicago
> I'm not a half full/ half empty glass kind of guy, I'm more of a,
> "whose gonna knock the glass over?"  Please, let us know how your
> install goes!



I'm sure the install will go well but having said that I do have some
specific questions/concerns about 3rd party hardware which I've asked about
and feel comfortable with the feedback I've received.

I do plan to keep continuing using Mac OS X for scanning with my Nikon
LS-2000 with VueScan because that's what I'm most comfortable with.

Adobe Photoshop is also a product that I will continue to use because I've
got almost 10 years invested and while I'm sure 'The GIMP' is a fine and
outstanding application it's not something I want to get all that involved
with because I derive most of my income from photo retouching/restoration
and can't risk losing customer's while I learn another application.

For me, personally, YDL will be for database (MySQL) and server-side
scripting (PHP) because Linux is what many domain hosts use.

Plus having a triple-boot machine (Mac OS X, YDL and Mac 9.2.2) seems like a
cool idea. But I'm not prepared to toss out all that I've learned from using
Apple products over several years. It may happen but right now I'm in a
'wait & see' mode.

As I'm sure many YDL customers are too.

We'll see.
