hi, new here with some basic newb ?'s

George Henry-Schneider yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun, 07 Sep 2003 07:30:07 -0700

On 9/7/03 12:37 AM, "William Thomas" <sys_ops911@hotmail.com> wrote:

> 2) How can I slow the mouse tracking speed down, this thing is hard to
> control on my trackpad.
> Thanks for the info and glad to be here.. hope you can bear with my newbness
> for a while , once i have some basics down, i hope i can learn a bit more on
> my own.
> cheers
> -h

I'm new to YDL by two weeks and have only dabbled with Linux on Intel
machines over the years with mixed feelings of success. I am truly enjoying
this distribution.  I just recently got Mac-on Linux to work but have not
tried doing Photoshop work or video rendering with it yet so I can't attest
to how fast it interfaces.

I posted a similar message concerning trackpad sensitivity to the general
list a couple of weeks ago but did not get a response.  To date I have not
got a fix on it either.  For me it is way to sensitive on my 15" G4 PB 867
and 12" iBook 900.  None of the mouse adjustments help it a all except
changing acceleration from 2x to 1x which helped minimally.  I have been in
contact with Troy and Kai at Terra Soft.  It is not considered a known issue
is what I have gathered but is under investigation.  Because it works
totally different when booted from Mac OSX on both of my machines it seems
it must be a software issue and probably configurable I hope.  It is so
sensitive that controlled small movements are almost out of the question.
I'll post more when I know more.

A few years back I was talking with a fellow in a local store about the
challenge of getting Linux to run.  His perspective was that to get
computers out the door and into the hands of the masses there had been a
general "dumbing down" in the machine/human interface.  Most users "just
want it to work.  Using Linux required that one be willing to "puzzle out"
the answers to question and learn about the operating environment.  I fall
in between those points.  I'm willing to puzzle and learn a bit but I do
want it to work also.  I've been impressed with Terra Soft's product so far
and look forward to what I can do with it.