YDL Install Problems

Clinton MacDonald yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
07 Sep 2003 11:23:59 -0500


On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 09:29, Robert Fernandes wrote:
> On Saturday, September 6, 2003, at 08:39 PM, Clinton C.MacDonald wrote:
> > Installing software is still a complete mystery to me, though it is my 
> > next topic to learn.
> If, however, you have a dsl or cable modem connection to the internet,
> you can use one of two tools for software installation that work very
>  well. These are apt and yum.

Just last week I got DSL, and am trying the yum updates as I write this.
Very smooth, so far (and, at the same time I am listening to the NPR
stream in the background -- I could get used to DSL really fast).

> Okay, when that is done, type "yum install openoffice" and enter.
> This should download and install openoffice and you should be good
> to go.

Alright, here is my biggest question: where can I find the "Master List"
of all applications (not just updates) that are available as yummy
packages? How does one know to type "yum install openoffice," but not
"yum install flyingcar"? I really want the flying car software for my
PowerBook, but I'm not sure it is available for PPC, yet. I don't even
know whether the flying car software exists, and before I install it, I
would like to see a short description ("The Flying Car software is an
open source tool that allows computers running the Linux operating
system on recent Apple hardware to hover above the ground and to fly at
speeds approaching 75 mph."). Where does Terra Soft/Yellow Dog hide this

> While it may not be quite as easy as Mac software installs, yum is an 
> excellent tool. Try it out.

Well, until the Flying Car option has been ported to Mac OS X, yum is
still the best game in town. :-)

Best wishes,

Clinton MacDonald <clint.macdonald@sbcglobal.net>