Variety of ? - 'net,palm,printer,mol...
Mon, 8 Sep 2003 23:01:39 -0500


This e-mail won't be directly helpful to you, but it might give you  
some pointers...

On Monday, September 8, 2003, at 08:58  PM, Jason Kibbe wrote:
> I have a blueberry ibook with YDL 3.0 installed and I'm starting to  
> feel like I'm in over my head...
> 1. My modem isn't recognized. I use the Config. Wizard and it searches  
> for a modem and tells me I have none.

I haven't yet had to use the modem on my Wallstreet, so I am not an  
expert. The YDL Web site insists that your modem is recognized in 3.0:


Nevertheless, I searched the Yellow Dog mailing list archives (go to  
the top of any page on the YDL Website, and enter text in the search  
field at the top <>), and you aren't  
going to like the answer I found:


...which suggests that a new kernal installation is in order. :-(

Perhaps a more experienced head on this list will be able to help you.

> 4. I'm trying to configure MOL and I don't even know how to answer the  
> 1st question -- something about platinum...

Could you be more specific? The initial setup of MOL is described at:


I don't recall "platinum" being involved.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <>