One last set of linux file sharing questions

Sun, 14 Sep 2003 11:39:22 -0400

Wow, that should make things easy.  Fugu looks like a great program.

Sorry to keep pestering you about sharing (along with Jim), but one 
last set of questions, if you don't mind:

How do I find out, on my Linux box, what:

a) The IP address is that my router assigned to it (on my OS 10.2 box, 
I just go to Sys Prefs and then to Networking for all the information);

b) The computer name?  I don't remember giving the computer a name when 
I installed YDL - all it asked for, I think, was a password for root, 
and then the name and password for my main user account;

c) The password for the computer?  Again, in YDL, I know the password 
for root, and for my main user account, but I don't remember ever 
giving my Linux computer a password the same way that I gave one to my 
OS 10.2 box.

Thanks so much again for any guidance.


On Sunday, September 14, 2003, at 09:40 AM, Clinton C.MacDonald wrote:

> Evan:
> On Sunday, September 14, 2003, at 12:36  AM, eps22 wrote:
>> Do you know how to access a Linux box from a Mac?  That is, I'm 
>> running a wireless network with an iMac (OS 10.2), and also with an 
>> iBook (Yellowdog 3.0).  Thanks to your helpful suggestion, I can now 
>> access the OS 10.2 iMac from the YDL 3.0 iBook.  But how do I access 
>> the YDL 3.0 iBook from the OS 10.2 iMac?
> I assume you have sshd installed, configured and running on your iBook 
> (mine was installed in the default setup). There are two methods: [1] 
> from the iMac (Mac OS X), open and type "ssh 
> username@IPaddress" (yuck -- commandline), or [2] go get Fugu:
> <>
> Fugu is a free Mac OS X frontend for SFTP, SCP and SSH. I recommend it 
> highly. (Fugu rubripes is the scientific name for the Japanese 
> pufferfish, known for its tasty -- and dangerous -- sushi, its small 
> genome size that has made it a sweetheart for molecular biologists, 
> and as the mascot of the SSH project.)
> Best wishes,
> Clint
> -- 
> Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint dot macdonald AT sbcglobal 
> dot net>
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