Bochs (How easy)

Dave Oshel
Wed, 24 Sep 2003 08:43:23 -0500

Bochs is terribly, terribly slow.  I downloaded it and figured out to 
install the Red Hat Linux 6 image -- which selfsame procedure is 
extremely simple, but the instructions were probably written by 

On a chiclet iBook (pre-2001), it required 10 minutes for Enlightenment 
to load, and then the Mac hardware and Bochs software cursors were not 
synchronized.  I gave it up as a noble experiment, but a very bad joke 
in a work environment.

IMHO, if you need to run Windows on a Mac, Virtual PC is your only 
choice.  Yes, Microsoft owns it, and no, they probably didn't buy it 
out of kindness, but ... doggonit, sometimes Microsoft does ok by Mac.  
It's a little like sleeping with a million-dollar whore with clap -- 
you know what you're getting into and only you can decide if its worth 


On Tuesday, September 23, 2003, at 10:33  PM, John wrote:

> I would like to know how easy Bochs is to install and how stable it 
> is.  I have a machine that I would like to install YDL on, but need to 
> run Windows on it.  I just need it so I can study for my MCP and then 
> I can get rid of Windows.  I have Mac OS X on this machine, but I want 
> to reclaim my hard drive as on my iMac I can only use the first 8 gigs 
> for Mac OS X and I have a much bigger hard drive then that.
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David C. Oshel     
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
``Everybody has won, and all must have prizes.'' - The Dodo, in Lewis 
Carroll's _Alice in Wonderland_