"patch" command hangs when trying to patch kernel sources

Robert Persson yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed, 24 Sep 2003 15:24:55 -0700


I downloaded the 2.4.22 kernel sources and the ppc patch and have been 
trying to apply the patch to the sources.  I place the 2.4.22 source 
directory and the patch file in the same directory and type "patch -p0 
linuxppc-2.4.22.patch", but nothing happens.  The cursor moves down a 
line, the machine stays quiet (no disk activity), but the prompt does not 
return, even after more than one hour.  Other processes seem unaffected 
and I can carry run other programs while I am waiting.

Any ideas?


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sont un element important d'un petit dejeuner nutritif, mais les servir 
comme dessert? Pourquoi pas?