OS X only?

yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun, 28 Sep 2003 15:00:53 -0500

Mr. Malzkuhn:

On Sunday, September 28, 2003, at 01:58  PM, Max Malzkuhn wrote:
> Is there a way to install YDL on a Old-World machine (G3 Wallstreet) 
> without having OS 9 installed?

I have a Wallstreet, too! Unfortunately, the answer is, "No." The 
Wallstreet is an "Old World" machine. The BootX Control Panel must load 
in Mac OS 9 (or earlier) to allow Linux to boot on Old World Macs. On 
"New World" Macs (i.e., those that came with USB ports built in), I 
think you can have YDL boot directly using "yaboot."

> Installing both OSX and OS 9 on my powerbook seems to cause some 
> instability. Any ideas?

Well, that seems very peculiar -- perhaps we can fix that problem, 
instead. What are your symptoms? The Wallstreet should thrive on Mac OS 
9.1 or 9.2 by itself. If you have Mac OS 9 installed on the same drive 
partition as Mac OS X, there should be no problem. The Classic 
environment doesn't load until you ask it to (either in System 
Preferences or by double-clicking a Classic application). Do you have 
problems with Mac OS X, instead?

If you have both Mac OS 9 and X installed, you likely have installed a 
larger hard drive than came with your Wallstreet PowerBook G3 Series. 
There seems to be a bug in the Wallstreet and other Macs from that era, 
such that Mac OS X must be loaded in the first partition, and that 
partition must be 8 GB or smaller. Is that an issue with your setup?

Otherwise, you can install Mac OS 9 and OS X on separate partitions, 
and still get the benefits of having both. Maybe you can try that 

If you give us a little more information about your setup and what 
problems you are encountering, we might be able to help you better.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald AT sbcglobal DOT 