YDL 4.0

Norberto Quintanar yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon, 23 Aug 2004 18:04:39 -0700 (PDT)

Norberto paraphrasing spinal tap:

"Why don't they just make YDL 3.0.1 better? Than it wouldn't need to
go to 4"
"Yeah, but YDL 4 is one more than 3.""

--- Arch and Cath <> wrote:

> This forum has had several discussions over the last months about
> the
> impending (and evidently much anticipated) YDL 4.0 release.   I am
> a little
> confused -- why do we care?
> Here we are toiling in the Linux vineyard cleaning up problems in
> our
> systems, yumming them  with the latest upgrades and new software
> and from
> time to time even building a new kernel.   I would like to think
> that
> because of that effort we have the most up to date systems best
> suited for
> our individual needs.
> I always thought that these distros were just a way of getting
> started.
> What will 4.0 get us that we don't already have?
> Puzzled.
> Arch 

--Norberto Quintanar 

"You belong to something bigger. From birth. And your life is spent rediscovering the underlying principles, through various players -- coaches, mentors, teachers, spouses, kids. It's in your genes. Your responsibility. Destiny. Is all on you.  Lead, follow, or get out of the way."  
--Norberto Quintanar

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