YDL 4.0

mascarasnake yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon, 23 Aug 2004 21:22:34 -0400

I'm just tossing this off the cuff, but as Dr. Clint postulates, 
OldWorld folks really shouldn't concern themselves too much, unless they 
just want to tinker, tweak and twiddle getting YDL4 working on their 

The *main* advantages of YDL4, as I understand it, is better support for 
the 64 bit G5 and newer hardware.

Arch and Cath wrote:

> This forum has had several discussions over the last months about the
> impending (and evidently much anticipated) YDL 4.0 release.   I am a little
> confused -- why do we care?
> Here we are toiling in the Linux vineyard cleaning up problems in our
> systems, yumming them  with the latest upgrades and new software and from
> time to time even building a new kernel.   I would like to think that
> because of that effort we have the most up to date systems best suited for
> our individual needs.
> I always thought that these distros were just a way of getting started.
> What will 4.0 get us that we don't already have?
> Puzzled.
> Arch 
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     It's what you make it man
     Takes time
     A little bit
     A little bit more

             -The Minutemen
