
Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at
Mon Dec 6 14:20:41 MST 2004

> > It seems like a lot of familiar names are now popping up on the Ubuntu
> > mailing lists ;-).
> >
> > I think it may prove to be a particularly potent challenger to YDL in
> > the PPC sphere of things since Ubuntu's computing philosphy borrows
> > somewhat from Apple's (and, in the end, the reason most of us are on
> > PPC is not because we're loyal to Motorola or IBM but to Apple's OS
> > design philosphy and to the quality and/or style of Apple's hardware
> > (the only reason I'm not running Linux on an i86 is that I don't want
> > to have yet another computer in the house)).
> I've just come from using ubuntu, yes its easy to install and alot of
> stuff does work out of the box (i am assuming this is more to do with
> its debian ties) but YDL 4.0 is so much more polished and professional
> looking. Although my modem isn't working yet, my g/f feels much more at
> home with YDL than she did with ubuntu, and to not include KDE for PPC
> is a major drawback for me, and quite a few others. As good as ubuntu
> is, I think YDL is in a different league on the mac....

Hmm. I wonder if KDE has improved since YDL 3. In YDL 3.0.1 I found
that KDE was a lot less stable than GNOME and it felt very Windowsy to
boot (plus, the windows focussing behaviour wasn't implemented right
(not a YDL issue)).

As for Ubuntu, they don't provide KDE for i86 either. They've decided
to focus their resources on supporting one interface (not a bad idea

As for YDL 4 -- if it don't work out of the box, I'll take a pass on
it. I've seen far too many problem posts on this forum that I'm not
about to take the plunge, and it also seems that updating a Beige G3
isn't exactly a fun experience. I'll wait to see if the first errata
fixes the problem -- if it does, I guess I'll find out whether it is
indeed a step up from Ubuntu on PPC, otherwise I'll have to figure out
a way to migrate my server over to Ubuntu (or even OS X since Apache
1.3 under OS X has a more functional WebDAV server than Apache 2.0
under YDL 3.0.1 (I can login to OS X over WebDAV from Windows NT
whereas I can't login to Apache 2.0)).

As an aside: what I am noticing about all of the followers of
different distros is that there's as much between distro chauvinism
out there as there is anti-Windows chauvinism (& our one anti both Mac
& Windows YDLer). Debian followers slag Ubuntu & vice versa but both
go after FC3 with the same zeal. YDL believers go after Ubuntu (&
maybe some others but it seems Ubuntu is the most common).


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