What the?!?!?!? Reboot out of nowhere!

Dakidd dakidd at sonic.net
Wed Dec 15 12:31:48 MST 2004

>> So I'm sitting here in front of my PM 7500 running MacOS 9.1, using it as
>> TV set to watch "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", when my PM 7600 running
>> YDL 3.0, which is sitting just to the right of the 7500, idle, nobody
>> logged on, with the monitor powered down, goes "BONG!" for no detectable
>> reason.
>Most likely dirty power.  Possible that your motherboard or
>power supply are going out, but most likely there was some dirty power on
>the wire and your power supply either protected you from a slight surge, or
>took a break with not enough juice to work with.  And yeah, some power
>can be more sensitive than others, which could explain why your other system
>was fine.

I'd find this idea a lot easier to accept if, as has always been the case
in the past during "power troubles" (*RELATIVELY* common, as far out in the
boonies as I am), the 7500 and the lights "twitched". The 7500 has always
(for me at least) been the "touchier" machine when it comes to power issues
- If there's trouble on the power line, it has always been the machine that
glitches first, alerting me to trouble, and giving me warning that I
probably want to yank plugs out of the wall quick if I want to keep the
other hardware from getting hit by something ugly. Not this time. The 7600
has always been the "tank" of my collection - NOTHING phases it. But it was
the only hardware in the house that so much as flickered. Even the lights
(which frequently start showing visible flickering with just a 10 volt
"wiggle" on the line) remained dead-steady, and the fridge, which literally
shrieks when we get a power-glitch, ran on rock-steady.

Guess I'll have to chalk this one up to "Who knows what happened?"

Don Bruder -  dakidd at sonic.net      <--- Preferred Email - unmunged
I will choose a path that's clear: I will choose Free Will! - N. Peart

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