"Not Enough RAM to install YDL..."

Don dtownhome at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 18 13:42:02 MST 2004

>From:        Zach Lym, aal357 at sent.com
>Reply-To:    Yellow Dog Linux Newbie List, 
>yellowdog-newbie at lists.terrasoftsolut
>To:          Newbie mailing list., 
>yellowdog-newbie at lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
>All-In-One G3
>160MB RAM
>40 GB HD
>First partition 100MB
>After much wrestling I got YDL to get to the initial text install, just
>to have it tell me that I don't have enough RAM. Red Hat's minimum is
>128. I upped the RAM disk size to 10000 and hardcoded the RAM by adding
>the kernel argument "linux mem=149M"
>Any help?

What's the best source y'all know of for RAM for a 400 mhz iMac
slot loader?


Patiently (fidgeting) waiting to installing YDL soon

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