Emersom Satomi satomi at
Wed Dec 22 22:18:21 MST 2004

On Thursday 23 December 2004 06h07, brian at wrote:
> /sbin/service iptables stop [ENTER]
> startmol -X [ENTER]

Thank you for your suggestion. 
But I already don`t have iptables running. And don`t have OS X installed.
When I try to run mol (for macos9), an error message says: "kernel module 
sheep.o appears to be missing". /etc/mol/ says that this module is 
for appletalk networking in macos9. But sheep.o is really missing in my 
system and in mol-kmods RPM from Yellowdog 4.
As a last option, I`ll have to build mol and mol-kmods from the mol source. 
But I don`t know much about it. Maybe the module could conflict with the ydl 
custom kernel?

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