YDL 4, problems with x window on install.

Chris Elmer celmer20 at student.scad.edu
Mon Feb 7 08:59:09 MST 2005

i'm trying to install ydl 4 on my quicksilver 733.  i downloaded and 
burned the iso's from the ftp site, and then booted from the first cd.  
when i tried to run the graphical installer at the boot prompt, it 
tried to start the install, but "exited abnormally" when it tried to 
connect to X server.
so i just used install-safe, which seemed to work.  but after 
rebooting, xwindow could not be loaded, because of an error (sorry, i 
don't remember what it was) that said said something to the effect of 
it couldn't be loaded.  then it presented me with a terminal where i 
can only log in as root, since i was never presented with the "first 
boot" set up, where i guess i add more users.  any ideas?


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