Newbie with dumb questions...

LINCOLN RUTLEDGE rutledge.50 at
Thu Feb 17 13:59:59 MST 2005

<quotes snipped for brevity...>
I am using a USB wireless device on my PPC machine FWIW, a D-Link DWL-122 802.11b dongle.  The setup on YDL 4 was hairy, but I've done it a couple of times now and it's not so bad.  Some pointers are on my blog somewhere
It works very reliably under Linux, and if you dig for the fall '04 drivers on the net, it works acceptably under OS X.  It worked very very badly on OS X with previous drivers, as in hard lockups and sleep of death a la vintage Mac OS...
It cost me $33 US...

As far as Real or WMP content, I have not tried streaming.  I have lots of luck playing Windows media files with Xine, which is available from freshrpms in yum.  I would like to try VLC, it works great under Windows and OS X and OpenBSD...

I have not tried "peekameeka" (pcmcia) cards under YDL, I would check the docs on the Web site and mailing list archive if you don't get any advice here...

You may just need to modprobe pcmcia-cs.ko or somesuch, load the pcmcia support from modules.

Worst case you may have to build a driver from linux-wlan-ng source, which is what I had to do for my D-Link.

Good luck from one scrap heap computer connoisseur to another (just installed Slackware on a 486 laptop last night, via parallel port zip drive)...


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