Which is the "safest" model for YDL?

Collin O'Neill coneill at pobox.com
Mon Jun 13 10:06:30 MDT 2005

I've had good luck with the older G4 towers - I've been using them 
because they are my old graphics computers.  One caveat: the early DVD 
reader has a hard time reading the installation disks.  It seems to only 
boot up the OSX installation disks. 

I've got one green G4 400MHz in production for email (plus antivirus, 
spam checking) and intranet/webmail for 50 users and it's working 
great.  The other is a test web server and it's also working well. 

I gave up on the Power Macs.  In short, they are too underpowered to run 
anything useful unless you REALLY need a processor driven DHCP router or 
something like that.

rjgoos at ydl.net wrote:

>I have tried to install YDL 2.x and 3.x on some early Power Macs (7200s, 
>7500s) one of the later "Power Center" clones, and on an early pre-iMac 
>beige G3 all-in-one.  I was never fully able to get it to run, despite 
>paying for support, etc.  
>I would really like to get YDL running on SOMETHING.  So, let me try 
>approaching this from the opposite direction...
>What would be considered the safest, most slam-dunk-easy, Macintosh model 
>for the installation of YDL?  I have a used iMac (e.g. green tray loading, 
>333 mHz) and used G4 towers (400 mHz, I don't know if they are Yikes or 
>Sawtooth) available to me through work.  Either of those models OK for 
>instaling YDL without weeping and gnashing of teeth?
>RJ Goos
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