Which is the "safest" model for YDL?

rjgoos at ydl.net rjgoos at ydl.net
Mon Jun 13 09:49:23 MDT 2005

I have tried to install YDL 2.x and 3.x on some early Power Macs (7200s, 
7500s) one of the later "Power Center" clones, and on an early pre-iMac 
beige G3 all-in-one.  I was never fully able to get it to run, despite 
paying for support, etc.  

I would really like to get YDL running on SOMETHING.  So, let me try 
approaching this from the opposite direction...

What would be considered the safest, most slam-dunk-easy, Macintosh model 
for the installation of YDL?  I have a used iMac (e.g. green tray loading, 
333 mHz) and used G4 towers (400 mHz, I don't know if they are Yikes or 
Sawtooth) available to me through work.  Either of those models OK for 
instaling YDL without weeping and gnashing of teeth?


RJ Goos

http://YDL.net - The online community for Yellow Dog Linux users

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