Upgrading from 4.0 to 4.1

Ted Goranson tedg at alum.mit.edu
Sun Jun 11 21:23:07 MDT 2006

Derick Centeno wrote on 6/11/06:
>Hi Ted:
>Take a look at this page.  Hope it helps...

Thanks Derick. I saw that of course. What I'm looking for is a more 
fundamental newb1e question. I have 4.0 installed. I have 4.1 on 
disks. Is there a way to upgrade without losing settings.

I really don't understand yum, but it seems that what you can update 
to is related to the servers you point to.

So is it true that with a default yum file, I can only update to 4.0x?
Ted Goranson

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