fsck and filesystem errors

Derick Centeno aguilarojo at verizon.net
Sat Sep 16 04:23:54 MDT 2006

Hi Paul:

I don't use that version of YDL however, the instructions are pretty 
clear.  You can try to see if it works using the 1st install CD of YDL 
4.0 and proceed from there.

The whole point of using a repair tool like fsck is to use it on the 
drive you want repaired, not on the same drive the tool is running 
from.  Think about it.  This also holds true for any OS whether it be 
Windows, Macs or something else.  Just to extend the discussion a tiny 
bit, this is why Micromat developed the eDrive concept which is 
essentially a tiny partition with the requisite software so that the 
partition with OS X can be safely repaired from this eDrive -- a rather 
nice trick.  However with YDL also on the same drive that means I've got 
three different partitions OS X, the eDrive, and YDL; it took a lot of 
thinking to figure out the proper partition structures allowing them to 
share one drive.
There is no manual for that I'm afraid.

Anyway don't get confused regarding what OS X can do with journaling and 
ext3.  Referring to details of the formatting theory behind these 
concepts is a bit of a challenge and definitely not light reading but as 
you've gotten this far you might as well go farther and do the 
research.  I'm right behind ya buddy, and should review the same 
material myself!  I just don't intend to do that kind of reading right now!

Linux, or any other OS, has tools which need to be mastered by 
independent minded persons -- like ourselves -- who want to do things 
our own way.  You can't get much more your own way, than open source.  
Sadly, as attractive as OS X is; it is too seductive in that nearly 
anyone can become too comfortable in being supported by the OS and 
forgetting that it is in fact a tool in the same way that the keyboard 
is a tool.  And like any tool one should be familiar with it's guts so 
that one builds what one wants!  Of course, Apple's design is 
intentionally structured to make you forget that ... the computer is 
your buddy, your friend, and for some people ... well, you get the idea.

YDL is a tool for you.  Yours.  Mine.  Completely.  YDL is completely 
open and available for minute study, research and review.  OS X is only 
somewhat open even though officially it's license is defined as 
equivalent to the GPL (this is still a point of argument for some).  
Apple can remove the source of OS X and make it unavailable at any 
time.  I believe YDL is a special, high quality Linux; it shares with 
all other Linux that ALL it's source is available -- all the time.  No 
need to ask permission to see it!  So let's take advantage of that fact 
and dig in!
Take charge --- own it!

I believe Picard (a character of the Enterprise universe) would 
encourage and challenge us if he was our instructor with the phrase, 
"dare to make it so!"

Good Luck...


Paul Higgins wrote:
> Should this also work for YDL 4.0.1?  That's what I'm currently running on my 
> iBook.  I would've updated but I'm a little nervous about the whole KMail 
> problem when migrating to 4.1 (detailed on the YDL site).  I notice that the 
> link mentions YDL 3.0, but it's on the YDL "general" support page, so 
> hopefully this works OK for all versions.
> I assume you can't do a manual fsck right at boot time, you need to use a boot 
> CD?  I think in Mac OS X you can boot into a console from the login window or 
> something (">console" as login, I think).
> I guess I got a little too overconfident in journaling filesystems--thought 
> with ext3 filesystem that I'd never see a disk problem.  Wishful thinking, I 
> guess.
> Thanks for your help!
> -PRH
> On Saturday 16 September 2006 01:54, Derick Centeno wrote:
>> Hi Paul:
>> You've got my compassion.  Stuff like this always happens when nearly
>> almost no one else is around... ah the wonder of it all!
>> To your point:
>> Here's a link which should be helpful for YDL 4.1 although the
>> instructions address an earlier version of YDL.  The only addition I
>> would suggest is that once you are in rescue mode run fsck (file system
>> check) from there.  Here's the link:
>> http://www.terrasoftsolutions.com/support/solutions/ydl_general/rescue-mode
>> .shtml
>> Regarding getting more information regarding this tool (fsck) or others
>> I've found this link below most helpful:
>> http://www.tldp.org/
>> Good Luck in resolving your problem!
>> Derick
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Paul Higgins wrote:
>>> Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction on this; is
>>> there anything on the YDL site or elsewhere about doing a manual
>>> check/repair of the filesystem at boot time?  I had a problem show up
>>> yesterday during a boot after a power failure.  I was able to do an
>>> integrity check of the filesystem, but I couldn't figure out what I was
>>> being asked to do after that.  It looked like I was booted into some kind
>>> of single-user mode (it asked for the root password), but I couldn't
>>> really tell if it was doing anything with the disk (the drive on my iBook
>>> is really quiet).  There was just the usual root prompt with blinking
>>> underlined cursor ("#_").  After it just sat there for a while, I exited
>>> and went back to the regular boot process.  However, I know that
>>> something still needs to be repaired.
>>> I must be missing something here, but unfortunately my YDL manual doesn't
>>> cover this at all.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -PRH
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