First boot failure after successful installation

John Mok jmok at
Sat Nov 25 05:52:25 MST 2006


I have followed the YDL 4.1 installation guide and completed the 
installation on a blue-and-white G3 machine

The list of partitions follows :-

Partition #     Size MB   Mount point
===========     =======   ===========
1               <1        Apple Disk map
2               1         Apple bootstrap
3               1024      Swap
4               7168      /

However, upon the first boot, it failed to boot to Linux and showed a 
Monitor prompt "?"/Mac OS. After 10 - 15 seconds, the screen ran a list 
of errors.

What went wrong? I hope someone could point me reference how to make it 
boot to Linux.

Thanks a lot.

John Mok

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