Second Life v BZFlag on PS3

Kai Staats kstaats at
Sat Nov 10 16:08:05 MST 2007

On Saturday 13 October 2007 18:02, Michael Rockwell wrote:
> Odd's are very high do the limitations Sony has placed on accessing certain
> aspects of the device, that SL wont run on the PS3.
>    Mainly due to the fact that the RSX (graphics card) is in accessible
> outside of the XMB (ps3 os).   The PS3 employs a Hyper Visor that limits
> access to the RSX and other areas of the hardware.  To prevent I would
> guess any modern emulation.

Bingo. Without OpenGL, it is not going to run. Now, you could do what Bill M. 
has done and export your PS3 graphics through an x86 Linux box with OpenGL. 
Bill claims a 500% increase in video performance over the PS3 alone, if I 
recall correctly.

Bill --Where do we find this HOWTO?


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